Deadly Cure: Los Angeles Under Coronavirus Quarantine
  • 4 years ago

As COVID-19 forced Angelenos to “shelter in place” or practice being “safe at home” Los Angeles has never looked so forlorn. Yet there was also a strange, surreal beauty in the emptiness as I captured Los Angeles in a way she has never been seen before…. and hopefully will not be seen again.

The footage in this video has been captured over a span of two months the various stages of the lockdown unfolded. It captures the great city of Los Angeles as she patiently waits for our return and tells a story of destruction considerably different that you see on the evening news.

For more detailed info and photos visit
For an extensive collection of coronavirus stock photography

Produced by Mark Stout Photography
Background Music in order of plays:
“Outcast” by Myuu from the YouTube music library

“Echo Sclavi” by Mini Vandals from the YouTube music library

“Casual Desire” by Ugonna Onyekwe from the YouTube music library

“Pablo” by The Mini Vandals from the YouTube music library