Couples dancing to beat music in Villa Adelina club 1970
  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Leo Gleizer comments: "And this is the aspect offered by the interior of the club located two blocks from Villa Adelina station. A group of boys and girls to the beat of Beat music, all are after the record, after those 100 hours. " Statements by the organizer of the contest where he says: "Out of 36 couples who remained, let's say they registered, there were only 25 boys left so far." Then the journalist asks the following questions: - Is there a doctor here attending to the boys? (Answer: There is an ambulance from the Vicente López Hospital) -The collection, are we going to reiterate this, is it for the boys from Biafra? -Why don't the boys know? (Answer: Some do not know why we have placed a prize here that consists of 100,000 pesos in cash, an electric guitar, cup, medal and South American title). Report to one of the participants, named Ricardo, in which he is asked: -How many hours have you been dancing? -What is your reason for making this effort? -Well, do you think that what is collected here could also go to the boys from Biafra? - and with the rest that they are going to do? -So you're going to keep a part? Report to another participant, named Gino Provenzano, in which he is asked: -Gino, why are you doing this? -For music only? -They say that the proceeds here will go to the boys from Biafra, did you know something? Report to another participant, named Juan Pizarro, in which he is asked: -What is your reason? -You are very tired? (Leo Gleizer)
Detail: General views of couples dancing Beat music outdoors and on the club patio.
Date: 1/28/1970
Duration: 2 minutes 51 seconds
Film code: B-02476

Copyright DiFilm Archive - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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