Sweeping Deadlifts & Snatches

  • 4 years ago
Gripping the sleeves of my Trap Bar giving me a Snatch Grip, I worked a couple of doubles of Sweeping Deadlifts with 157lb. The goal of these was to work the Sweeping motion on the bar for the upcoming Snatch work. Why a Trap Bar?? Like a cambered Bench Press Bar, I can exaggerate the ROM allowing me to Sweep in further than I could with a regular bar. This should cue up the Sweeping muscles(Lats) perfectly. Yes, basically its like an Axle on the grip but, that's OK, I don't need to lift a 100lb more than my Snatches!! I just need to use enough weight to cue Sweeping the bar in.
Next, I started Supersetting the Sweeping Deadlifts with Snatches. I did 2 rounds of doubles with 157lb on Sweeping Deadlifts and then doubles with 137lb on Snatches. I went up to 207 on the Sweeping Deadlifts while staying with doubles @ 137lb on Snatches. I missed on both rounds with 207lb but, I didn't care, I was still trying to Sweep the bar in. Next I got the Sweeping Deadlift with 207lb and a double with 159lb on Snatches.
Feeling the Sweep was cued up enough I moved on to singles on Snatches with 1x159lb, 1x4x170lb.
This worked EXACTLY as I wanted: Praise the Lord!! I was Sweeping right in and hitting some of the best bottom positions ever!! I won't always use Sweeping Deadlifts but, if I am having trouble connecting with the Sweeping movement....they'll be right back in the rotation!! God Bless!!