25 EASY Science Experiments You Can Do at Home!

  • 4 years ago
25 EASY Science Experiments You Can Do at Home!

plain water! Sound incredible, but it's true! It's so easy because water is available everywhere and you can get a glass or two any other minute! You can make these easy and fun experiments at home.

Add some food coloring, shaving cream, or vegetable oil, alcohol, detergent, absorbent, glycerin, aspirin, paper, pepper, and see what happens! You’re gonna be delighted, that's for sure! Now let's see what we prepared for you in this awesome water tricks and life hacks video.

You can make a DIY colorful cloud inside a glass of oil! Looks mesmerizing. Another trick with oil is a colorful lava lamp made inside of a glass. You will need aspirin for this one.

There are many amazing ideas with water and static electricity, or with water. You can experiment with a microwave, colors, materials, objects! Learn how to make a water filter using a plastic bottle.