Change yourself this Lockdown

  • 4 years ago
Change yourself this Lockdown
With an unprecedented proportion of the world’s population in self-isolation and under lock-down many of us feel uneasy (to say the least)
about the sudden, strange upheaval to regular life as we know it.
But we should look at this as a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a meaningful change, Changes which will help yous grow ,changing our habits and make life more meaningful by taking some extra efforts and adapting some good habits,like reading,learning new skill,taking care of you mind and sole,which will help us in next crisis and build us more strong and will give us a bright future
I have shared 5 top things which i am personally following in this lock down and
I hope these will be helpful for you too
So lets stop focusing and worrying on whats is happening and focus on yourself and our future(lets prepare yourself)
