Softbell Bent Presses 86.75lb

  • 4 years ago
Praise the Lord!! It's taken me a couple of years figuring it out but, my Right Hand Bent Press is finally back on track!! I have a genetic situation with my shoulders that l don't talk about. I'm only mentioning it here because, in this case, I was blaming the problem l was born with when in point of fact, the shoulder was being made worse by a mobility issue somewhere else. Fact of the matter is that all the heavy Bent Pressing l used to do was actually preventing this problem all along!! I got out of the habit of heavy Bent Pressing and that's when problems started to crop up. It got to the point that I could Bent Press much easier & heavier with my Left! Heavy enough Bent Pressing had forced the right part of my torso to stay in line. Being right handed, I tend to be pulled forward more on that side. It became more & more stressful on my right shoulder during Bent Presses. This you see here is the first time in YEARS that a right hand Bent Press felt better, stronger, easier than the left. Last two singles are with 86.75lb while the previous ones were 64lb. Folks, if you're going to take on this lifting thing, figure out how it works best for YOU!! There's a bunch of anatomy to consider if you want to be the best you that you can be. Don't sell yourself short. You WILL run into rough times with the weights and you simply have to keep keepin' on until you figure it out!! Good Luck & God Bless!
