'Green milk' April Fool's prank leaves older boy nonplussed and little girl in shock

  • 4 years ago
When Millersville, Maryland parents go to prank their two kids by dying the family almond milk green, their older son is not very amused while the younger girl is shocked and scared on Tuesday (March 31).

"In these strange times we have to remember that this isn't strange for our kids. COVID-19 is going to be a part of the tapestry that makes up their childhood experience. Sadly, it's a new normal and everyday is going to be another memory of the time we may refer to as "the pandemic.” Yet, we as parents are facing the challenge of making sure our kids understand the gravity of the moment while still building happy memories. It's a choice that we make all the time, even at 1 am to celebrate a foolish holiday. Clearly the jokes on us!" said Joe, the dad who filmed this encounter.
