4 NEWS II 53 people die from coronavirus in UK as people told to stop social contact
  • 4 năm trước
53 people die from coronavirus in UK as people told to stop social contact
Measures like this have never been seen in peacetime. Boris Johnson admitted that he is now asking, though not ordering the nation to take difficult steps to combat the virus. (Subscribe: https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)

But he said the country has reached the critical moment when without drastic action, the number of cases would double every five days. From the end of this week elderly and vulnerable people should be shielded from contact with others for 12 weeks.
Everyone should stop all non-essential contact and travel, and keep your distance from others. That means working from home where possible and no visits to pubs, clubs, restaurants, or theatres.
Households where someone has symptoms of the virus should isolate themselves for two weeks.
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