Father of Twins Finds Creative Way to Multitask

  • 4 years ago
Occurred on March 1, 2020 / Boston, Lincolnshire, England

Info from Licensor: "Multitasking at its best! We have 3 month old twins, which we were lucky to have due to IVF! It is definitely a challenge day by day. Multitasking gets taken to the max. I made this video as our twins would not let us put them down. My husband was very hungry, so as I was holding Isla and Andy was holding Theo, I walked in the kitchen and Andy had Theo sit on the bread, I thought it was hilarious, so I asked him to re do it. I watch Ellen each day since being on maternity and thought this would be a great video for her to post, so I put it on social media. The sound of the wings/cry is his sister in my arms, Theo was quite happy to sit on the bread!"
