Lead with No Apologies: 21 Ways to Boost Your Influence Complete

  • 4 years ago
Click Here : https://rd.filegood.club/?book=1793989133
The world needs a few more unapologetic leaders; individuals with clarity, confidence, vision, and the ability to persevere in the face of judgement, and even through their own mistakes. An unapologetic leader has the guts to take risks and is comfortable enough with themselves to live and learn from the results. LEAD WITH NO APOLOGIES gives you the keys to: Intensify your leadership influence, Amplify your potential as a leader, Get clear on your desired results, Inspire your team to be more productive, and Manage and preserve your impact.Leadership is not a tangible product that can be purchased; it requires a commitment to developing into the better version of yourself, and then the helping others to do the same. What you want to become, depends on your willingness to become it.
