Space engineer makes her own rotary cell phone

  • 4 years ago
NEW YORK — A woman in New York invented an insanely awesome old school rotary style cell phone.
With all the varied—and often times useless—functions on today's modern not-so-smartphones, finally a device that won't suck the life out of your day.
According to Wired, Justine Haupt works as an astronomy instrumentation engineer at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York.

On Feb. 12, Haupt posted an article detailing how she made the DIY phone, which became so popular it caused her website to crash.

On her website, she details how she took a rotary dial from an old Western Electric Trimline telephone, paired it with a microcontroller and an Adafruit Fona 3G cell transceiver. She then just 3D-printed a casing and was good to go.
The phone comes with a 10-LED signal meter, a power switch, quick dial buttons and a curved e-paper screen that displays incoming or missed calls.
Along with photos of the whole process, Haupt also shared raw schematics and links to all of the original design files, released as open-source materials, so anyone with the know-how can build their own.