C60: Two Years Of Taking C60

  • 4 years ago
This is a followup on my C60 experience after a number of months taking it.

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Carbon60Plus and LivePetllc are owned by the same people with a different product focus as you might expect.

LiverLongerLabs produces C60 in a variety of oils plus they have just released C60 in capsules. The capsule form is great for people who do not care for the oils.

Just so you know 8 capsules = about 15ml of C60 in oil.

C60 Suppliers UK:

The long term health benefits of Carboon 60 (also know as buckminsterfullerene, bucky balls, and C60) is not known. However, the shorter term benefits seem to far out weigh any possible problems. C60, as it is commonly known, has been shown to greatly reduce the occurrence of free radicals in the body thus allowing the body to work as it should.

An over abundance of free radicals in the body can greatly reduce the body's ability to function as it should so anything that reduces the free radical load allows the body to work more closely in homeostasis. This greatly improves the body's ability to fend off disease and sickness thus allowing a person to live a more comfortable and productive life.

According to some scientists, this carbon molecule may even have the ability to extend a persons life though it's not known as to how much.

Continued consumption of Carbon 60 suspended in olive, coconut, or avocado oil (or any other of a number of compatible oils) is likely to continue the long term benefits as we are exposed to an excessive amount of substances causing free radical issues on a daily basis.

#c60 #carbon60 #oliveoil
