• 5 years ago
GUTTERBEE movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Welcome to Gutterbee! Never heard of small town in America, where everything what is unpredictable could be great again and everyone believes in someone just for empty promises to put them back on track. 100% independent Danish comedy smartly pretends as an American western with hilarious German flavours, delightfully shot by Anthony Dod Mantle (“Slumdog Millionaire”, “Dogville”, “127 Hours”).
Genuinely charming and rich satire enters mysterious territories of Coen Bros. and David Lynch. A handful of colourfully naive dreamers live among horses and noisy rooster. They are plenty of fine activities around, but two hopeless cowboys join forces in a quest to serve delicious German sausages as a special dish in newly opened restaurant. Scheming manipulations, cold-hearted betrayals, creepy punishments are unavoidable in this shady business among jealous and greedy locals.

Ulrich Thomsen

Ulrich Thomsen

Ulrich Thomsen

Antony Starr, Ewen Bremner, W Earl Brown, Joshua Harto, Clark Middleton, Chance Kelly, Gareth Williams, Pia Mechler