A Province of Papua New Guinea Could Turn Into a New Country

  • 4 years ago
A Province of Papua New Guinea
Could Turn Into a New Country.
For nearly two decades, the area of Bougainville has been declared a
autonomous region.
Last month in a non-binding independence referendum, residents voted to declare
their independence.
This means the region may
soon claim status as a country.
Papua New Guinea's government would first have to ratify the vote outcome, which is
likely to happen.
So what is Bougainville?.
As of 2011, the region has a
population of nearly 250,000.
Ancient history shows that humans have inhabited the area for 29,000 years.
It is also a popular spot for tourists that contains lots of beautiful beaches.
There is no airport, so you will have to
fly to Papua New Guinea and then
take a boat to the area
