[Read] C-A-T = Cat: Teach Your Child to Read with Phonics Review

  • 4 years ago
Over the last couple of decades, too many children have been held back from reading by the use of 'look and say' methods of teaching. Finally the 'experts' recognise that the only way to improve literacy standards is a return to a structured, phonic method.Mona McNee's concern with literacy began when, having seen her own son fail with professional teaching, she found that, with no training, but relying on a phonic scheme, she could teach him herself. She later became a remedial teacher at a middle school and taught hundreds of dyslexic children to read.You too can teach your own child to read. Start at the beginning with letters and sounds and see how easy it is to sound out and blend the sounds into a word. You just need common sense and a Systematic, Intensive, Multi-sensory, Parent-friendly, Logical and Easy programme to teach how to read and spell the right way.
