5 Simple Rules for Re-Gifting (National Re-Gifting Day)

  • 4 years ago
5 Simple Rules for Re-Gifting.
1. Make sure that
the gift makes sense.
Generally, you only want to
re-gift items that you would
have actually bought for yourself.
2. Don’t re-gift things you
received from meaningful people.
This includes
extended family members. .
3. Make sure to
take off the gift tag.
This will save you from the awkwardness
of needing to explain why the gift you're
re-gifting is actually addressed to you.
4. Re-gift in moderation.
This will prevent any hurt feelings
that may arise from that one
re-gift that was one too many.
5. Be thorough when
you re-wrap the gift.
Make sure you've removed
any notes addressed to you
that may have been inside the gift
