High rise park views turn out to be awesome plastic lake in China

  • 5 years ago
CHANGSHA, CHINA — When you got the big bucks in China, you got to have the big baller view to go with it.
According to the SCMP, lucky suckers who purchased units in a brand new residential high rise that touted "park views" were treated to that and so much more.
The development located in the Hunan provincial city of Changsha promised "high vegetation cover" and a "park lifestyle."
The real estate developer then translated that into the magnificent beauty of a fake blue lake created with gorgeous man-made plastic.
They then topped that off with a luxuriously elaborate fake bridge that spanned the entire pretend lake.
And who needs actual grass covering the larger open areas when you have grass block paving that is usually seen in driveways or parking lots instead. That counts as vegetation.

If you've got your bathing suit ready so you can test out the crystal clear waters you're unfortunately out of luck.
After the story went viral and complaints started rolling in, the developers ended up tearing up the fake plastic pool, leaving the crappy concrete foundations underneath.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see what kind of magic the developers will put in its place.
