Who Benefits From Chaos in Iraq? - The U.S.? Saudi Arabia? Israel?

  • 5 years ago
Iraq has been rocked by days of nationwide protests and there are growing indications that ‘foreign hands’ have been trying to sabotage the peaceful demonstrations.

Demonstrators claim they are frustrated at political elites who have failed to improve their lives after years of conflict and economic hardship, following the U.S invasions. The U.S has invaded Iraq twice so far, based on a faked "baby incubator" story and false claims of WMDs in the hands of Saddam Hussein.

There have been multiple indications of foreign agitation behind the protests, including overt propaganda originating from Saudi Arabia, as well as apprehension of at least one "death squad", shooting at both sides of the protest. Death squads have been used many times in the past, to escalate conflicts by causing protesters and police to believe that they are shooting at each other.







#IraqProtests #Baghdad


Iraq, WMDs, color revolution, death squads, intervention, agitation propaganda, Baghdad, Syria, war, ISIS, Islam, democracy, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, terror, terrorism, USA, American, Bashar al Assad, Assad, Saudi Arabia, war on terror, Trump, Donald Trump, Iran, Iranian, Israeli, Greater Israel, British, imperial, empire, eretz israel, Iraq, Lewis Plan, Bernard Lewis, Bernard Lewis Plan, Balkanization, tribal, oil pipelines, Brzezinski, Kissinger, war crimes, geopolitics, unipolar world, Babylon system, empire, imperial, British-Khazar axis, the great game, global domination, oil, petroleum, middle east, endless war, Arab Spring, artificial scarcity, pipelines, World War 3, 2019, Al Baghdadi, troop withdrawal. oil fields
