THE UGLY FIGHT- Ajay Devgn v/s KRK | Bollywood News

  • 5 years ago
Ever since Karan Johar released the teaser of his much awaited love saga Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, the film industry has been talking about the big clash that is going to happen between KJo and Ajay at the box-office on October 28.

Ajay may not be affected by the clash, at least the actor has shown no concern so far--- but the recent voice call tapped between his business partner Kumar Mangat and 'trade analyst and No 1 critic' (as Ajay labels KRK) Kamaal R Khan, comes up with some damning allegations.

The tape goes that Mangat expresses his displeasure over KRK's tweets condemning Shivaay and showering praises on ADHM. To which KRK is heard saying: "The man has paid me Rs 25 lakh and I am bound to favour him."

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