Full version Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court Win Review

  • 5 years ago
Fight an unfair ticket in any state! We ve all received one -- a traffic ticket that seems completely unfair, the result of an officer s evening quota rather than a serious moving violation. But do you have to pay the penalty and watch your driving record crash and burn? Not if you choose to fight back! With" Nolo s Beat Your Ticket," you ll get the lowdown on the best strategies for beating traffic tickets in court. In plain English, you ll learn how to: - use the law to fight an unwarranted ticket - analyze the case and decide whether to fight or fold - find out what the police officer plans to say at your trial - find legal assistance and get the most out of it - prepare witness testimony - attack radar and other detection methods - pick a jury - present your case - cross-examine the ticketing officer Whether you want to contest a common speeding citation, a right-of-way violation, or a non-DUI alcohol-related offense, "Beat Your Ticket" clearly lays out your options. This edition is extensively updated to reflect your state s current traffic laws, including the latest rules, statistics, and court procedures. Are you a California resident? Check out "Fight Your Ticket & Win in California."
