Imponen nombre Maquinista Savio a una estacion del Ferrocarril Mitre 1965

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Ferrocarriles Argentinos has imposed the name of a modest rail worker who disappeared today at the kilometer 48 stop of the General Miter Railroad, this is the machinist Francisco Savio. National and village authorities met in the emotional ceremony that perpetuated his name. The unusual personality and trajectory of Francisco Savio represent a chapter in the company's history. Many years ago he drove the locomotive 191, which became so famous that it was considered the flagship unit of our railways; With her the most illustrious figures of the country and abroad traveled from different eras, such as Figueroa Alcorta, Roque Saenz Peña, Victorino de la Plaza, Irigoyen, Alvear, Eduardo de Windsor, Teodoro Roosevelt and many others. Then the 191 crossed our plains swiftly. (News)
Date: 2/9/1965
Duration: 1 minute 25 seconds
Film code: B-13757

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