About For Books The Cellar Best Sellers Rank : #3

  • 5 years ago
Cellar "Lily?" My stomach dropped as a tall, dark-haired man stepped into view. Had he been hiding between the trees? "No. Sorry." Gulping, I took a step back. "I m not Lily." He shook his head, a satisfied grin on his face. "No. You are Lily." "I m Summer. You have the wrong person." You utter freak! I could hear my pulse crashing in my ears. How stupid to give him my real name. He continued to stare at me, smiling. It made me feel sick. "You are Lily," he repeated. Before I could blink, he threw his arms forward and grabbed me. I tried to shout, but he clasped his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams. My heart raced. I m going to die. For months Summer is trap...