Green Solar Technologies Ranked in the Top 10 Companies in the US

  • 5 years ago
Not only does Green Solar Technologies stand out from a consumer standpoint, but GST is also an invigorating place to work with a work culture that has recently been named by the company rating website, kununu, as one of the top 10 in the U.S.

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Green Solar Technologies

With so much competition in the solar industry, it can be difficult for companies to stand out from the crowd, but Green Solar Technologies has managed to do just that.

Founded by renewable energy advocate, Nicki Zvik, GST has proved to shine brighter than any other energy company.

GST’s unique stance to use only the highest quality, American made solar panels has allowed our company to be a leader in the U.S. clean energy market.

Scoring a 4.77 out of 5, Kununu explains Green Solar Technologies as “...the only energy company on this list and one of the leading solar energy companies in the U.S. The company’s mission to provide high quality service and materials to its customers and to providing “green” solutions for the planet are just two ways you can tell that this company is made up of genuine, compassionate people. This positive energy has naturally trickled down into its company culture too, with its teamwork score landing it on this top 10 list among hundreds of thousands of other companies on kununu.”

Zvik as well as the rest of the GST team have made sure that those working together feel like they are apart of a family.

“This is our home away from home,” shares one employee, “And it feels good to come in everyday and be surrounded by friends who motivate one another to do better and celebrate each of our successes.”

Green Solar Technologies is honored to be ranked as one of the top U.S. companies and we look forward to continuing on a path of excellence with a growing team of energetic, talented individuals who make excellence possible.
