COH Beyond 2020

  • 5 years ago

BEYOND 2020 embraces a total makeover of our 2 Daily Centres. It is our goal to achieve higher quality of service to our Adult Intellectual Disability beneficiaries. And we hope other similar organisations will follow our vision of our project-Beyond 2020.
We would like to reaches more together with our partners and our community for the people with adult intellectual disability.
We will work together to develop concrete solutions and achievable implementation plans. These solutions will incorporate assistive tools and technologies to aid our staffs and their caregivers during their stay with us. We also hope parents of our beneficiaries will embrace technology at their home too.

Christian Outreach to the Handicapped (COH) is an interdenominational not-for-profit organization that provides care for adult intellectually and physically challenged beneficiaries in Singapore.

We are dedicated to promote inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in the community and eliminate the stigma associated with people who have special needs.

Our beneficiaries are:
Individuals aged between 18 and 55 years old. Having an intellectual disability (IQ below 70) and may have other accompanying conditions such as down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), speech impairment, hearing impairment, physical disability, epileptic fits and others.
COH’s three day care activity centres provides everyday practical, social and living skills to our beneficiaries from 9.30am to 3.30pm. We help them enhance their quality of life and assimilate themselves into the communities they are living in

Whеn рlаnnіng уоur budget аnd/оr уоur CSR events calendar, dо rеmеmbеr tо include COH as your potential partner. Wе nееd your support аѕ a grоuр аnd as individuals.
Come, visit us :)
You may contact us at
Attention: Mr Peter Tan
Official website


