About For Books My Journey with Prostate Cancer of Gleason Score 8: From Diagnosis to Remission

  • 5 years ago
Cancer is not an automatic death sentence. Professor Tran Van Thuong, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the ARVN who fought in the Vietnam war and math professor, successfully handled his prostate cancer using the methods described here in MyJourney with Prostate Cancer of Gleason Score 8: From Diagnosis to Remission. He is not a medical doctor, but when he was diagnosed with cancer, he knew that it was from exposure to Agent Orange in the war. Instead of giving up, he decided to do something about it. Dr. Thuong researched natural cancer remedies as well as those offered by the traditional medical establishment. He chose to live by changing his diet and finding nutritional supplements designed to handle cancer and other related issues having to do with the prostate. He began having prostate issues in 2004. In the intervening decade, he worked to find ways to alleviate the problems, but in 2015 he was diagnosed with full-blown prostate cancer. He went to work, and he can now proclaim that his cancer is in remission. He plans on making that permanent. The two pictures on the front cover of the book tell the story of Dr. Thuong's defeat of his prostate cancer. The first is when he was a young Lt. Colonel, with a strong will to conquer the enemy. He needed that will to conquer his biggest foe, cancer. The later picture shows a compassionate, loving man with the same strong will, but this time to recover from cancer. This book is, in part, an in-depth bibliography of resources Dr.Thuong found to help him, and he wants to share his story and those resources to all those who are looking for alternative, effective strategies to handle cancer issues. Dr. Thuong wishes you well in your healing journey.