Camembert-Prosciutto Nest – Deliciously Snuggled Up

  • 5 years ago
Camembert-Prosciutto Nest
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A nest is the perfect cozy environment for eggs to be kept warm and safe until they've hatched. And when those little birds pop out, they're kept all snuggly in that nest until they're ready to fly away on their own. It's an image that makes you feel kind of warm and fuzzy inside, and one that we used as inspiration for this next recipe. But the nest we've created for our egg is a little different, and because it's made of zesty cheese and mouthwatering prosciutto, it's also extremely edible!

You'll Need:

- a large, round pizza dough
- one whole camembert
- 2 tbsp chives
- 4 slices prosciutto
- 2 eggs

Here's How:

1. Cut out a circular trough in the middle of the camembert and put the hollowed out cheese in the middle of the rolled out pizza dough.

2. Cut the camembert that you took out into small pieces and spread them around the hollowed out cheese. Do the same with the chives and two chopped pieces of prosciutto.

3. Roll up the dough evenly and round in the direction of the cheese.

4. Lay the other two pieces of prosciutto over one another, "fold" them lengthwise and roll them together so you can use it to line the hollowed out part of the cheese. Now crack an egg into the prosciutto "basket" in the middle of the cheese.

5. Beat the other egg and use it to baste the dough. Bake at 355°F for 25 minutes.