Full version Smoking Them Out: The Theft of the Environment and How to Take It Back Review

  • 5 years ago
While many books assess the history of the environmental movement and offer perspectives of what has gone right or wrong since its inception around 1970, there is no doubt that the issue has become less about science and practical conservation as it has become more highly polarized and politicized. Property rights, the Endangered Species Act, forest management, energy, natural resource development production and other critical issues have been reduced to political footballs, while responsible efforts stall and Americans grieve dying forests and record gasoline prices.Until now. Greg Walcher, President of the Natural Resources Group, and American leader in natural resource policy, offers a breath of fresh air with ?Smoking them Out?. This svelte three hundred paged tome provides the backdrop of a sober accounting of how a mountain of entangling regulations have inflicted unintended consequences upon ?stewards of the land? - farmers, ranchers, and landowners - while providing a way ?out of the wilderness? with practical policy and local solutions. ?Beneficial conservation measures should not consist of thousands of pages of legalese that only a Senate staffer can understand. The solution to many of our environmental problems is simple, measurable, and sustainable both economically and from a conservation standpoint.?
