Authenticity of the Bible for Muslims Response

  • 16 years ago
Someone sent a message in response to Authenticity of the Bible for Muslims, about the information in the videos. Here is what he said. "assalamu 'alaikum (Peace be upon you) I was watching one of your videos, the one about "authencity of the bible for the muslims", pretty interesting. I agree that the quran validates the scriptures of injiil and the torah and some others. And I believe these were gods words when it was handed to the prophets or messengers to carry out the message. the torah was given to musse(moses), the injiil was given to isa(jesus) and the quran was given to Muhammad all, Peace be upon them. Moses; his people started to disbelieve, the message was refined and sent to Jesus; Some disbelieved and tried to kill him, but was saved by god, and the message then went under a final refinement and was sent to Muhammad(pbuh); final revelation from god. You can disagree if you want, but they all taught the same thing; one god, no partners, avoid sins, believe the last day, etc...but all didn't work out, so the quran was sent down by god, as being the final revelation." DR Congo 'civilian deaths' probed The UN investigates reports that Congolese rebels killed civilians in their homes after retaking the eastern town of Kiwanja. Tackling Africa's 'First World War' Heading home despite fear Q&A: DR Congo conflict George Bush and Dick Cheney at the White House (6 November 2008) Obama and Bush to meet next week US President-elect Barack Obama and incumbent George W Bush are to start the transition process with talks next week. Man identified as Abdul Baqi al-Hussein confesses on Syrian TV (6 November 2008) Syria airs car bomb 'confessions' Syrian state TV airs what it says are confessions by 11 militants behind the Damascas car bombing 17 people dead. President George W Bush addresses staff Bush on new home, new job anxiety The new king sitting on the throne Bhutan's new king is crowned Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Hoping for ...
