Juan Gabrielli cierre del instituto Carlos Pellegrini de Pilar 1995

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Report to Juan Gabrielli: - What is your specific role now at the Carlos Pellegrini de Pilar institute? (Answer: I was appointed as regent in charge of the institute on October 6, 1994 for a memorandum from the Department of Labor Education and Training but I received a new memorandum where the president of the Council of the Minor and the Family places, orders Mrs. Maria Josefina of the Prado that is the inspector of the Department of Education to fulfill functions of regent, therefore in that memorandum it does not say neither in replacement of so-and-so, or that so-and-so ceases) - This Mrs. Josefina del Prado directly appointed by the direction of the minority and the family? -What is the current situation of the Carlos Pellegrini Institute? - As of today no longer enter the students to the institute? -The teachers are all in a situation of availability? -Do you already know both teachers and students that ceases all activity in the Carlos Pellegrini institute through these internal communications, at least to the students, have addressed the director of minority and family, Mr. Atilio Alvarez in some opportunity? - All this began from the 1995 school year where first-year students were no longer accepted? - From now on this means a virtual emptying of the students of the Carlos Pellegrini institute?
Date: 5/19/1995
Duration: 8 minutes 30 seconds
Code: V-00647

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