Social Buzz and Viral Videos Do They Still Exist?

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to be talking about social buzz and viral videos, do they even exist? Can videos go viral anymore?

When something goes viral it means that someone shares that video to their friends. Someone else does the work for you in marketing, you don't have to pay for it and it's what everyone wants right?

It's really free media or earned media.

In the early days of the internet it was more of the wild west and I loved this era There were banner ads and there were popup ads, which I never used on my blog and always hated.

There was this marketing firm like a social media marketing agency that would create very short, funny and crazy videos. At the end of the video there would be this marketing message.

It was almost like a joke being told at the bar and people would share the video using email.

Then the way people shares these short videos that were made to go viral, changed the way it would be received.

In 2016 to 2017 what changed was Facebook realized they could monetize this whole process. If your video starts to go viral, they have algorithms that spot it and they pop up little messages on your screen.

The message would say something like we noticed your video is getting a lot of attention why don't you boost it, which is another way to say why don't you pay for it and we will stop killing it.

This is of course another criticism that Facebook and Google are these huge titans that control everything, even the way commerce operates online.

To be fair, they are in business to make money.

The reality is these big companies control a lot of the traffic, power and money. You have to play by their rules. This is why I don't use 1 platform for everything, but instead hedge my bets with many platforms and I go after very high commission amounts.

If you can't beat them, join them. It's also why I own stock in these companies, so I win either way.

Do you think the internet has become a more angry place than what it was maybe 5-10 years ago? Let me know in the comments, because I think it has.

Just with YouTube alone I get a lot of trolls and nasty comments then I did when I first got started and to be honest they actually help me because engagement helps your content.

I also unplug a lot been working on other projects, which I think is very healthy. To sum everything up you can still go viral, but you have to pay for it and that is the short answer. This is what affiliate marketing is all about right? If you create a product you pay people to advertise. If you disagree let me know in the comments below.

There are sites like Empire.Kred and Viralcontentbee that can help your content bee seen as well. What I do with video marketing is go after insanely low competitive keywords that have a lot of traffic. It comes down to supply and demand.

Plus I leverage