'Purged' North Korean official appears next to Fatty at concert

  • 5 years ago
NORTH KOREA — A top North Korean official who had been reported as purged over the failed Hanoi nuclear summit with the U.S. was shown in state media on Monday kicking it next to Kim Jong-fats at a concert—doh.

According to the Associated Press, North Korean publications released photos of Kim Yong Chol sitting next to Dear Leader and other top goons at a musical performance by the wives of the Korean People's Army officers.

A report by Pyongyang's official speakerbox the Korean Central News Agency listed Kim Yong Chol in attendance at the musical event of the century.
In a pretty creepy description of the event, KCNA said it, "impressively represented the ideological and mental features of KPA officers' wives, who make every moment of their life honorable with ardent yearning for the leader."
According to AP, last week, South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo cited an unidentified source in reporting that Kim Yong Chol had been tossed into a hard labor and re-education for the botched Hanoi summit.
Chosun Ilbo also reported that five other officials were executed by Fatty. Those guys have not shown up in any North Korean reports. Who knows—maybe THEY ended being the lucky ones.