⏰ Youtube Procrastination with Affiliate Marketing Many Tips! ⏰

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to be talking about YouTube procrastination with affiliate marketing and a few thoughts on this.

I've been on YouTube for maybe 8 years. The first channel I had completely blew up, millions of views and most of it I honestly think was keywords and SEO.

Now, the environment has changed, on how to get more views but I really do feel comments and discussion make a big difference.

On this channel my top video is how to trick a slot machine, where there are tons of comments and some of them are very mean, but funny towards me. One guy said I look like Steven Tucci's ugly brother.

If you are creating a YouTube video or content you got to ask yourself why are you doing it? If you want to make money the best way to do it is send people from the video or your content to a website.

Most of the money really is in the sales funnel itself. If your sales funnel really sucks, you are just not going to make that much money, Therefore what is the point in driving traffic? Why even make the video or content in the first place?

If you are trying to make money on advertisements paying you, there really is just not that much money in it.

The first step is you need a place to send people to make money, if that is your goal, which it should be and it's important. The most important thing about procrastination with YouTube or anything is quality is attached to your Ego.

Tom Hopkins was a very successful real estate agent and when he got started all he had was a motorcycle and a high school prom outfit and he still sold homes.

I just watched a sales pitch on making your YouTube thumbnails perfect. I've gotten an insane amount of views not even using fancy thumbnails. Another point is that if everyone is using custom thumbnails and you don't, who is going to stand out?

You, right and is standing out good? Yes, in marketing there was a book written called “differentiate or die” and anytime you are not scared to stand out a little it's going to help generate interest in you.

Of course, I have to say this but your video or content has to be watchable and have quality sound, that is just common sense. Just like an article, can't be solid text but it needs spaces.

Quality is attached to your ego and the more real you, people buy into that. A lot of this comes down to being scared of the judgment of others.

When I used to go out to nightclubs and hit the bar scene, the first thing I would do is go up to a girl and get shot down. After that happens, you realize it's not that big of a deal and this really helped me. Nobody cares.

The first nasty comment you get will be the best thing ever for you and some of them are funny. One girl commented I talk too much. You really have to admire the person who is rejecting you to have it hurt.

If someone is hiding behind their computer sa