Frigorifico Anglo en Dock Sud - Frigorifico CIABASA - Jose Alonso CGT 1964

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: The workers of the meat industry and its derivatives perform a strike of activities. Shots from a moving car where you can see the front of the General Automotive Company. Image of the entrance gate to the Anglo Fridge in Dock Sud. Image of the entrance gate to the CIABASA Fridge. Meeting of men in an office behind closed doors and graphic reporters wait to talk to the authorities. Empty meeting room image. The General Secretary of the CGT, Jose Alonso, meets with the trade union leaders to discuss the conflict. (Without sound)
Date: 5/18/1964
Duration: 1 minute 1 second
Film code: A-05914

Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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