How Fast you can Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

  • 5 years ago
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Hello, today I want to talk about how fast you can make money with affiliate marketing.

To understand how fast it can take before you make money with affiliate marketing, you first need to understand how it works.

Affiliate marketing is how “most” people make money online, it's where if you post a link and if someone clicks on that link and buys something – you get paid.

Usually it involves a funnel. There will be free stuff in the beginner and then a smaller priced product and towards the end of the funnel, they call them deep sales is a higher priced product that should be in the $1,000+ range.

If you promote products for $20 and you get half of it and there is no funnel, you are just not going to make a lot of money.

Also, I'm not a huge fan of membership programs. I like the saying a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.

This means it's much better to get the money up front if you can. Membership programs where there is an unlimited amount of passive income, you do the work one time and you can get paid for it – over and over again is not as realistic as you think, this is from my experience.

It's like a MLM where the reality is 1% of people actually do anything and most of them don't do much. You just got to be realistic about everything and practical.

One of the secrets to affiliate marketing is the better the funnel you have the more money you will make. Most of the work is in the funnel. You can create the sales funnel yourself, and that is the long way.

If you franchise someone else's funnel, that works you are going to shorten that path to success. You don't have to re-invent the wheel and you will make money much quicker.

How quickly can you make money with this method? If you invite a ton of people to this funnel and you work hard, realistically you can make money within the first few weeks, I honestly believe that. Even without an email list.

Now there are many variables in it and people hate talking about money, because everyone is different. Myself, I struggled for a long time and did everything wrong. Hopefully, you start better than me. You can make money within a few days, but it's not as realistic.

The reason it's not that realistic is because most people don't buy the first time they see something, it usually takes a few exposures I'm thinking around 7 and this is why an email list is needed, but again you can use someone else's list and funnel.

When it comes to how to invite people to this sales funnel there is either free traffic or paid traffic. Paid traffic you will make money even quicker, but you are going to pay for it.

This is all common sense right?

The trick is to keep things very simple and not overthink everything, because we has humans love to over complicate the shit out of everything.

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