Enrique Erro vinculado con el jefe tupamaro Hector Amodio Perez 1973

  • hace 5 años
Uruguay: Journalist's report in front of the legislative palace, attention center particularly after the statements of a Tupamaro chief, Hector Amodio Perez, who accuses Senator Enrique Erro of being his accomplice. Testimony of Senator Enrique Alberto Erro where he says he has no connection with Hector Amodio Perez. Then the journalist asks him: - Will the voting void be canceled? -Why are you guarded or guarded by police officers, that is to say, you control all your movements to where you are going? - To what do you attribute this persecution as you have declared at some time when requesting this disqualification? - You declare not to be Tupamaro senator Erro and then to that it attributes that the executive power requests his desafuero? -Why shut up his voice? - Why do not you say them senator? - Have you had any contact with any elected authority in the Argentine Republic? (Walter Ressi)
Date: 8/5/1973
Duration: 4 minutes 8 seconds
Code of the film: C-00237

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