Google goes real politically correct with 53 genderless emojis

  • 5 years ago
GOOGLEVERSE — Emoji rights activists are celebrating the world over as Google releases 53 gender slippery emojis.

According to Fast Company, the update is an effort to make the symbols more inclusive.
Android emoji director Jennifer told Fast Company, "we're not calling this the non-binary character, the third gender, or an asexual emoji—and not gender neutral. Gender neutral is what you call pants."
Google introduced the 53 updated emojis as part of a beta release for Pixel smartphones last week.
According to Fast Company, they have been designed to fit in the space between female and male emojis and recognize gender as a spectrum.

Google's design team went through several drafts to develop people who will leave your head scratching as to their sex.

The gender defying new vampire now has a chain, instead of a privileged white male bowtie or necklace.
And now instead of a mermaid or merman—Google gives us the merperson.

Merpeople have been excluded for far too long in modern day society. It's nice to see a tech company that will finally take a stand for those who lack the voice.

Fast Company also points out that since Google collaborates with Apple and other tech companies when it comes to emojis, you can most likely expect to see the fluid emojis on other platforms soon as well.
