Stray bull goes on rampage at political rally in northern India

  • 5 years ago
A rogue bull wreaked havoc at a political rally in Kannauj in northern India on April 26.

The incident took place during a rally organised by ''Mahagathbandhan'', a coalition of parties opposed to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

A video of the incident shows the bull attacking and injuring a man who tried to control it.

Organisers repeatedly requested onlookers to move away. Police had to use force to cordon off the area and in order to keep the crowd away from the rogue bull's path.

Akhilesh Yadav, head of Samajawadi Party, a key alliance partner, said: ''I would like to thank the youth who bravely faced the bull without fearing for his life and made this gathering possible. After May 23, on this ground, we will honour him."

Counting of votes for the ongoing polls will take place on May 23.
