7 Home Improvement Tips and Inspiration

  • 5 years ago
Owning a home is a big responsibility, especially financially. But, it can also be very rewarding, especially if you keep updating it.

However, taking a look at your home and finding everything that is not up to par can sometimes be extremely overwhelming, especially with the potential costs or if you are doing it yourself. Sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to even find a place or a project to start with.

There are quite a few things to consider when thinking about renovating various areas in your home. But, good news! There are particular improvements and updates that you can make that may even lower your affordable homeowners insurance!

Here are some projects, focusing on ones that can reduce the price on your insurance premium as well as other tips to think about before beginning to improve your home.

Security System

This particular upgrade is definitely worth the investment. There are a few options when looking at security systems for your home. Most providers offer a simple alarm system or a more intense option with video monitoring. Regardless of which option you choose, most insurance companies see this as preventing theft and they reduce the cost you pay for your premium. It also saves your pricey belongings from getting stolen. Most importantly, it gives you a peace of mind that you and your family are protected from someone violating your space.


Replacing your roofing on occasion is wise, especially if your area gets natural disasters such as tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes, etc. There is a type of roofing you can get that is considered stronger and more weather proof that your insurance company will thank you for.

Various Home Systems

Another good investment is upgrading a handful of systems in your home when they are due. Improving systems in your home such as electrical, heating, air conditioning, or plumbing is a very good idea. It will decrease the likelihood of a preventable fire or flooding saving you money and the hassle in the long run.

Sensors, Detectors, and More

Adding smoke and gas detectors are a simple addition that could save you money and your lives.

Adding a Generator

A fully functioning generator is favored by some insurance companies. It also saves you from disastrous results in the event of a power outage.

Know How to Prioritize Your Projects

It is more worthwhile to do a quick project at the right time of the year than do one big one if you are in a time or money crunch.


Make sure you have the right tools if you are doing a home improvement project yourself. Do not be afraid to ask or do research to avoid buying useless tool that will just sit around and collect dust.

Home improvement can be tedious, but it is important to at least start somewhere to avoid a mishap that could cost you.

