Neelakurinji Blossom time in Munnar - Tripjodi Exploration

  • 5 years ago
Yes, indeed it was a Search for the elusive Neelakurinji !!! Yes, it blooms once in a blue moon, but it blooms (in this case every 12 years)!!! How grateful are we to have not only seen it, but spent one whole day gazing lovingly at it and walking around this amazing purple blue bell shaped flower called the Strobilanthes kunthianus.
we set out on a wild goose chase, driving in search of it through Munnar hunting for the sight of this etheral bloom - the Neelakurinji!!! It started drizzling with thunder threatening to disrupt our sighting - but no - nature blessed us as the Neelakurinji appeared out of nowhere along the side of a hill just as we were about to give up hope!! She never failed us!!! Yes, 2030 we shall wait for you - the next 12 years will fly - so that we can come once again to be in your presence!!!.

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Please watch: "Thoovanam Waterfalls, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary , Munnar - Offbeat Munnar"
