Measles: How Deadly and Dangerous | Dr John Bergman | 2019

  • 5 years ago
In the first 2 articles we discussed the plight of Andrew Wakefield that discovered an association with the MMR and the 12 children between the ages of 3-10 who were referred to the paediatric gastroenterology unit of the paediatric bowel unit of the Royal Free hospital in Hampstead North London between July 1996 and Feb 1997 with a history of normal development but were then given the MMR vaccination and things changed for the worst. After examination of the children Wakefield and his team found a loss of acquired skills (language), diarrhoea and abdominal pain, intestinal abnormalities including Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia (small nodules in the gastrointestinal tract), and aphthoid ulceration (ulcerated nodules in the colon associated with Crohn’s colitis). Behavioural disorders (autism) found in 9 of the children. Disintegrative psychosis (referred to as Heller’s syndrome or Childhood disintegrative psychosis (CDD), a rare condition where delays in development or even reversal in language , social function and motor skills are witnessed) in 1 of the children and in 2, possible postviral or vaccinal encephalitis (brain neurological damage ).

Further studies have shown that unvaccinated children naturally infected with measles and mumps have a protective effect from strokes in later life ( this study involved partly from a lifestyle questionnaire using some 43,698 men and 60,147 women 40-79 years of age and their childhood history of infections. The outbreak of measles in New York 2011 demonstrated that fully vaccinated people can still spread measles to other fully vaccinated people dispelling the myth that it’s only un-vaccinated people who spread disease. A study made in 2002 J.Biomed Science Singh & Lin found brain autoimmunity and autism with the MMR Vaccine. Deisher & Doan in their study in 2014 and published in J.Public Health Epidemiology which was a large cohort study using all children born after 1969 in the US, Western Australia,UK and Denmark linking the MMR vaccine, specifically the human fetal cell ingredient showed a link to autism with MMR and other vaccines. Other studies ( Rosenlund & Bergstrom et al Allergic disease and atopic sensitization in children in relation to measles vaccination and measles infection published in Pediatrics March 2009) show that un-vaccinated children who get infected with measles are less likely to develop allergies compared to vaccinated children
