China's Muslim concentration camps continue abuses

  • 5 years ago
XINJIANG, CHINA — The U.S. State Department slammed human rights violations in China's Muslim concentration camps throughout Xinjiang as the worst "since the 1930s."

According to Reuters, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo brought up abuses by Iran, South Sudan, Nicaragua and China in the department's annual "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices," but told the press China was "in a league of its own when it comes to human rights violations."
At the same briefing, Michael Kozak, head of the State Department's human rights and democracy bureau, commented on the abuses of Uighurs in Xinjiang saying, "rounding up, in some estimations … in the millions of people, putting them into camps, and torturing them, abusing them and trying to basically erase their culture and their religion and so on from their DNA. It's just remarkably awful."
That's a pretty accurate description of Chinese society as a whole—remarkably awful.
China initially lied about the concentration camps, even though the entire world knew they were lying. Beijing then tried their typical sideshow antics of saying they had boarding schools rather than concentration camps.

To be clear, even blind people can see they're concentration camps.
The State Department report says Chinese goons have arbitrarily locked 800,000 to probably more than two million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs and other Muslims in camps with the sole purpose of erasing religious and ethnic identities.
