Dust and rain in store for regions in the west _ 031119

  • 5 years ago
Good afternoon, those of in central western regions, including here in Seoul, will need to stay updated on the dust levels. We could have decent air in the afternoon but it will get dusty again.

Meanwhile, light showers are in store for western parts of the country as well as Jeju Island. Expect to see light rain this afternoon and tonight, although this won't be enough to completely wash away the dust...

Rain also won't affect the temperatures that much, daily highs will range from 11 to 16 degrees Celsius this afternoon. Daily highs in Seoul will be 4 notches lower than yesterday at 11 degrees.

Some chilly weather is in store this week On Wednesday and Thursday morning, lows will go down below zero, and as we can see, there will be wide temperature fluctuations with a mix of rain and snow flurries in store for Friday.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.
