Walt Disney Tour of Bolivia 1943

  • hace 5 años
Bolivia: Views of the roofs of houses. General views of an open-air community market, where dresses, clothing and hats woven with vicuna wool are observed. General views of a group of villagers leaving mass in Tisa. Close-ups of a Flame herd. General views of villagers plowing field with oxen. General views of Lake Titicaca, and a group of Walt Disney artists crossing from shore to shore on the Mancheco boat. General views of reed canoes near the shore. General views of residents waiting at a railway station, near Puno. Close-ups of a train stopped at the station. Close-ups of donkeys carrying milk drums on their backs. General views of people buying and walking through an open-air community market.
Date: 1943
Duration: 4 minutes 47 seconds
Film code: F-00454

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