Chhattisgarh Naxal attack : What went wrong!

  • 5 years ago
NewsX: There is always a Road Opening Patrol that is sent before a the movement of VVIP convoy and it leaves only after the convoy passes through the area safely.

In this case, there seems to have been no deployment of the ROP and the VIP were left as sitting ducks to the planned assault by the Naxals.

It also comes off as a typical ambush attack where first a bomb exploded and Naxals fired indiscriminately on the convoy.

It is apparent that the route had also not been sanitised by the anti-landmine vehicle with the bomb-disposal squad.

Also since there were intelligence inputs of Naxals warning to attack the parivartan Yatra, the VIPs should have been provided with bulletproof and anti-landmine vehicles.