Govt to act on Indian workers' plea in Riaydh - NewsX

  • 5 years ago
It's a NewsX impact. After we highlighted the plight of the 23 Indian workers who had been trapped by merciless employers in Saudi Arabia for the past two years, the Govt has finally swung into action. Directed by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, the Indian embassy in Riyadh has contacted Khurshid Alam, one of the Indian workers to meet them. Sources have told NewsX that Ministry of External Affairs is contemplating action against PK Mishra, an Indian Embassy official in Saudi Arabia. This comes after Khurshid Alam told NewsX that the Indian embassy had threatened them for taking the matter to the media. But there's another side to the coin. The abandoned workers claim they are being threatened by the Indian embassy for telling their story to the media. After the Indian Govt pulled up the embassy based on the NewsX exclusive, the workers have now been summoned by the officials to explain their stand.

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