Bollywood starlet Jiah Khan dead in an apparent suicide

  • 5 years ago
Jiah Khan death: India News: Bollywood actress Jiah Khan was found dead at her home in Mumbai in an apparent suicide, police said on Tuesday. She was 25.Khan was found hanged in her room on Monday night, a Mumbai police official said. Khan made her Bollywood debut with Ram Gopal Varma's "Nishabd" in 2007, playing the 18-year-old protagonist opposite Amitabh Bachchan in a film loosely based on Vladimir Nabokov's classic novel "Lolita".

Jia Khan, whose real name was Nafisa Khan, was born in New York and grew up in London. Although "Nishabd" sank at the Bollywood box office, Khan later played supporting roles in two blockbusters - Ghajini (2008) and House full (2010).