Vidya Balan Didn't Experience Nepotism In Bollywood Like Kangana Ranaut

  • 5 years ago
Kangana Ranaut's nepotism debate has become the latest sensation in B-town. Everyone has been talking about it, giving their opinion on whether Kangana Ranaut was right about Karan Johar playing favourites or not. And the newest member to join this bandwagon is Vidya Balan. The Begum Jaan actress Vidya Balan spoke to a leading site about it and said that even she is an outsider in Bollywood, having no connections to the industry, but she has never experienced nepotism here. Vidya Balan further added that she doesn't know what Kangana Ranaut went through as she had the support of her family unlike the latter. Vidya Balan said that if Kangana Ranaut feels nepotism then each his own. Vidya Balan remained diplomatic by stating that their experiences were different and she is no one to comment on it.

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