After Shahid Kapoor Posts Photo Of Misha, Kareena Kapoor's son Taimur's Picture Goes Viral

  • 5 years ago
Bollywood is filled with the birth of beautiful babies right now. From the toddlers like Aaradhya Bachchan and Abram Khan, to the newly born wonders, everyone is stealing the limelight from their parents. And the latest one is the chota nawab Taimur Ali Khan. It was quite the news when Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their baby boy in December 2016. The parents weren't even shy about sharing some glimpses of their son with the media. But just yesterday, we saw that a clear picture of an almost two-month old Taimur Ali Khan has been leaked and is going viral on social media. We can see here that the baby has the good looks of his striking parents and a dollop more with the light brown hair and beautiful eyes. And while everyone is going gaga over this adorable picture of the young royal, we cannot help but notice that this leak has happened just days after, Kareena Kapoor's ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor created a social media storm by posting the very first picture of his baby girl Misha. Want to know more about this interesting coincidence, then CHECK OUT the video here!

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