ShahRukh Khan And Deepika Defeated In The Popularity Race By Newbies Disha Patani & Sushant Rajput

  • 5 years ago
The year 2016 in Bollywood has not only seen a lot of new faces but some old ones emerging as new talents too. The youngsters came and conquered the movies with their performance and the audience's attention with their talent. Stars like Disha Patani, Sushant Singh Rajput, Vaani Kapoor and Harshvardhan Kapoor have created an impact. India has released a list of the most actors actresses of 2016 and the results are quite shocking. Sushant and Disha lead their respective lists while stars like Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan didn't even rank in the top 10. Watch the video to know the scoop behind this astonishing news.

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