Is Aamir Khan Trying To Defend Arpita Khan?

  • 5 years ago
AIB roast has brought to light many interesting views of our top Bollywood stars. When superstar Aamir Khan called the show voilent and vulgar, everybody was angry with him and said that he himself has done questionable things with the DK Bose song in Delhi Belly and more recently his nude poster from PK. To this Aamir replied that he has done these things in a fictional sense without hurting anybody. He also added that he didn't like the show because it insulted a beautiful, young girl he loves dearly and this young girl who was the butt of racist and sexist jokes, is someone whom he has known since she was a kid. Aamir said that I do characters in films that are not real but this girl is. The Talaash actor said many more things too but we wonder if the young girl in question is Salman's sister Arpita Khan. We had heard that jokes were made on Arpita's expense because of her dark looks and weight issues as she was Arjun Kapoor's ex-girlfreind. In the roast, Arpita was called fat and ugly when they asked Arjun questions about her. Everyone laughed it off as a joke there but when news got out to Salman, he allegedly blasted the AIB team. And it seems that Aamir is right behind his friend to defend Arpita.

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